Sunday, October 28, 2007

Minnesota Public Radio

Public radio, or non-commercial radio, is broadcast outlets that generate income from sources other than the sale of advertising time. Minnesota Public Radio is a radio organization consisting of 37 stations operating throughout Minnesota, parts of Wisconsin, Iowa, the Dakotas, Michigan, and Idaho. Minnesota Public Radio is also the country's biggest station-based producer of national public radio programs. Minnesota Public Radio provides three types of radio stations: news, classical music, and "the current". Public radio is an extremely important part of our mass media, because it doesn't simply focus on what content will turn the largest profit. Because of this, many people believe that public radio needs to be sustained as an independent voice in the media.

Saturday, October 20, 2007

In Rainbows

The digital revolution has had a profound impact on our world today, and has particularly had a strong impact on today's media. We now can digitally download music, movies, and other files protected under copyright law. Needless to say, there are lot of controversial legal implications within the issue of peer to peer file sharing and illegal downloading. Many professionals within the music industry and legal system have been rejecting these new advances in technology by bringing those who participate in this kind of file sharing to court, however others have come to accept the digital revolution as an inevitability. A prime example of this is the release of the alternative rock band "Radiohead's" new album titled "In Rainbows". The band launched its album last week, only available for download at the official site, and it allows the buyer to name his or her own price. The buyer can therefore pay one cent, a hundred dollars, or nothing at all for this album. This shows how different people within the music industry react differently to new changes in technology.

Friday, October 5, 2007

Magazines and Eating Disorders

There has been a lot of recent controversy surrounding magazines and the messages they send to the public. One of the main problems is if magazines can cause eating disorders such as anorexia or bulimia among young women. Traditionally, this has been thought to be due only to adolescent girls reading fashion magazines, in which they picture only models having long and slender bodies. However, there has been some recent studies indicating that not only is this true in fashion magazines, but also in health and fitness magazines. According to an article "Fitness Magazines and Eating Disorders: Is There a Relationship?", the "hard body" images shown in fitness magazines can distort the body image of young women just like the tall skinny models shown in fashion magazines. The studies show that girls you read fitness magazines are much more likely to display eating disorder tendencies then girls who don't. Overall, I thought this article was interesting because it shows that this problem of magazines and eating disorders may be more widespread than we originally thought. I also found interesting that the images of healthy fit people can cause unhealthy eating habits, rather than only images of excessively skinny and therefore unhealthy women.